Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: When is a Honey Trap is not A Honey Trap?

Kader Arif, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Jean-Mi...Image via WikipediaSlate Magazine has this article, originally published in their French edition, entitled:

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Conspiracy Theorists Are Embarrassing Themselves

It is interesting to note that the translation of the heading (not the text) of the French article is subtly different.

The original French is "Affaire DSK: présomption d'innocence ou victime disqualifiée?" as the heading, with the sub heading being "Attention à la théorie du complot: ce que dit la femme de chambre mérite d'être pris en compte."

The heading as a raw translation gives:

 "Affaire DSK: presumption of innocence or victim disqualified"

The sub heading in raw translation gives:

 "Attention to the conspiracy theory that says the maid should be taken into account."

Cannot really see how the above two headings in the co-opted French Slate article come to mean  'the conspiracy theorists are embarrassing themselves'. All the French heading in the article is saying is that the maids' point of view must be taken into account, and that those who are looking for a conspiracy theory should, or rather must take that into consideration.

Could not agree more.

However from there to heading the article to make out that the conspiracy theorists are embarrassing themselves is pushing the translation.

To say the least.

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