Friday, February 25, 2011

Julian Assange extradited to Sweden

Julian Assange at New Media Days 09 in Copenhagen.Image via WikipediaNow why I am not surprised...?

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who rocked the U.S. government by publishing thousands of secret diplomatic memos, must be extradited to Sweden to face sex crimes allegations, a British judge ruled on Thursday."

This story link from Reuters

UK court agrees Assange extradition to Sweden

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Restaurant Prohibition a Paris

"Dans les années 20, époque où l'alcool était interdit aux États-Unis, quelques bars résistaient discrètement, planqués en sous-sol ou accessibles par des entrées secrètes. On y buvait des cocktails généreusement arrosés et on s'y encanaillait sans vergogne. Le restaurant Le 1er reprend les codes de la Prohibition en proposant dans sa cachette perchée un menu extravagant, où l'alcool côtoie sans pudeur les plats les plus raffinés. Et dans votre tarte, whisky ou pastis ? "

From My Little Paris

Voir Le resto de la Prohibition

Menu de la prohibition à 26€
Restaurant le 1er, 47 rue Saint-Honoré, 75 001 Paris
Code porte : 1933, premier étage
Ouvert du mardi au samedi en soirée seulement, lieu privatisable
Réservation indispensable : 01 44 76 03 38 

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Youth Demographics are the Key to the Dictator Revolutions

"Uganda’s population has grown from 15m in 1986 to 32m today, half under 16 years old. Youth unemployment is 80%."

From The Economist blog Baobab writing about President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda's 25th anniversary of power under the title of Rambo's 25th anniversary.

Any country with youth demographic statistics such as these and youth unemployment levels at similar levels needs to watch out.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bubblology and the Australian Housing Market.

Under the wonderful heading

Our bubble's bigger than their bubble (free sign up required to view).

Steve Keen writes in the (Australian) Business Spectator

"The Australian housing bubble is categorically larger than the USA's, though in standard bubblology talk, the main reason that it is – that it was driven by far more than pure speculation on prices – is touted as one of the reasons that "Australia is different" and a crash won't happen here.

It’s the sort of youthful hope that keeps many investors sleeping soundly underneath the Southern Cross. But this ‘logic’ is a better fit for astrologers – those other chartists – than property market forecasters."

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The Death of the Music Industry

For once I have not attempted to re-write the heading as this one from SAI Business Insider just says it all.

Article The Death of the Music Industry

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Coke and THE Recipe

Gizmodo is linking to the original article in the blog This American Life only the Gizmodo link is down.

In all the excitement Gizmodo does point out that:

"Truth be told though, it's impossible to fully replicate Coke's recipe because there's one ingredient only Coca-Cola can get: fluid extract of coca (which is coca leaves stripped of cocaine). Only one factory can process those leaves and only Coca-Cola has a special deal with the DEA that allows them to use it. So even if the secret is out, we're still missing the Coke in our Cola"

Gizmodo Link Coca-Cola's Secret Recipe Finally Revealed

Original from This American Life link The Recipe

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Facebook - Mobile Phone Hog

"Time spent on Facebook is pretty big on the desktop, but it's downright obscene for mobile, according to data from comScore looking at UK users."

From SAI Business Insider

Facebook's Stranglehold On Mobile Time

Facebook - Mobile Phone Hog

"Time spent on Facebook is pretty big on the desktop, but it's downright obscene for mobile, according to data from comScore looking at UK users."

From SAI Business Insider

Facebook's Stranglehold On Mobile Time

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Drummers and the Best Of.

Rolling Stone Magazine has just published a "Best Drummers of All Time" thingy, with 10 legendary rock drummers.
Mine is the last one, Michael Shrieve, then with Santana at the original Woodstock in 1969.

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Throw that Shoe - An Index of Arab Agitation

The Economist has come up with a chart that aims to predict where "the scent of jasmine", as they call it, or where the current Tunisian inspired unrest will spread.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

AOL Deeper into Never Never Land

"AOL's acquisition strategy centers on buying premium content sites, or small technology companies. The content feeds AOL's vision of becoming the world's number one digital media company. The technology pick ups are supposed to make that easier."

Supposed is the operative word.

How many times have we seen this type of strategy go wrong?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Huff Gets AOL'ed.

"The Huffington Post, which began in 2005 with a meager $1 million investment and has grown into one of the most heavily visited news Web sites in the country, is being acquired by AOL in a deal that creates an unlikely pairing of two online media giants."

A match made in AOL Land.

Initial Reaction? For God's Sake...


It's a Cube Life - A Square Holiday Break

"Early reports indicate a secret colony of elephants, white mother ships and what can only be described as tents from the future."
An Indian holiday in a square tent. 
From UrbanDaddy.
Well, I have had a Goan holiday in the traditional Rajasthan Tent (below) but not in a Rajasthan Cube.

From The Rasa Resorts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Through a FaceGlass - Facebook or the Mirror of Our Eye

With a..."clever mixture of private life and voyeurism, a sickly-sweet diet of moderate transgression and monitored freedom, has proved to be a winning recipe for Zuckerberg. Facebook has accumulated a prodigious 500 million subscribers of whom 50% log on every day, and for a total of 700 billion minutes every month."

From LMD Le Monde diplomatique (English Edition)

Facebook: the magic mirror


Chambres de luxe à l'heure

"Le nouveau site Day Use vous propose une sélection d'hôtels parisiens où vous pouvez louer une chambre de luxe à l'heure, avec des tarifs négociés. Design, charmants, romantiques, insolites, il y en aura pour tous les goûts. On ne badine pas avec le désir..."

From My Little Paris 'insolites'

Sieste crapuleuse


Link: Dayuse Hotelsp

Africa Apps - Time to Move

"...their impact could be momentous for the development of poor countries. They make bad physical infrastructure less of a problem; they connect the world’s poor to the digital economy; they help them learn; they give them a voice; they cut out middle-men."

From The Economist Baobab Blog

"There's an app for that"


Image courtsey of CP-Africa from their article Apps 4 Africa Winners Announced!