Sunday, July 31, 2011

Votre été Multi-Tasking!

"Connaissez-vous un objet avec lequel on peut à la fois bronzer, envoyer des cartes postales et chasser les moustiques ? Votre iPhone."

from My Little Paris (toujours!)

see Les 6 applis de votre été

Saturday, July 30, 2011

SAI Business Insider on The Economist

Been busy so this is an 'old' story from SAI Business Insider, old in that it was published last week on July 21, 2011.

That's very old in online terms.

see Why The Economist is Winning

                                   Original SAI article picture

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Email from CNN: US Debt Crisis Don't panic!

Probably a good time to start.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pizza à Paris comme à Naples

"Pourquoi les napolitains mangent t-ils de la pizza du matin au soir ? Parce qu'ils ont la pizza à la coupe ! Faites comme eux et dites basta à la pizza grosse comme une roue de Vespa."

Deux trattorias où se fournir :

Di Loretta, 62 rue Rodier, 9e, du mardi au dimanche. Fermé du 6 au 16 août. 
De 4 à 10€ la part. 
tél: 01 48 78 42 56.

Caldo Freddo, 34-36 Rue Montorgueil, 1er 
De 4 à 5,30€ la part .
tél: 01 44 76 04 21. 

from My Little Paris (of course!)

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The Josper Grill: the indoor BBQ

The review of The Caxton Grill, in St. Ermine Hotel by Thrill List, is good and interesting in itself.

Perhaps more intriguing is the description of their indoor BBQ:

"At first glance you'd think the star of this airily modern, wood-floored, orange-seated restaurant is its mammoth, floor-to-ceiling "wine cube", but in actuality it's the Josper Grill: a newfangled, highly praised wood-burner that allows chefs to both BBQ and roast at the same time..."

see The Caxton Grill - Eat like a king, then drink like a spy

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Le Breakup - Où rompre à Paris ?

"Vous voulez partir l’esprit léger en vacances, laisser derrière vous la grisaille et aller vous encanailler en bord de mer l’esprit tranquille. Oui mais voilà, vous êtes casé. Pour l’occasion on vous sort deux petits recueils des meilleurs endroits où rompre à Paris"

from Merci Alfred (of course!)

see Où rompre à Paris ?

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Stray Cats at Festival de Jazz de Montreux 1981

On a nostalgic bent.

Remember watching these guys with amazement at this festival.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Zimbabwe: Along the Bulawayo Road.

' So much history, so much potential, so much waste.'

another one from The Economist Baobab blog

"The road takes us through what used to be some of the best farming land in the country, now an endless wasteland of tall dried-blonde grasses, thorn trees, broken fences and crumbling farm buildings—no animals, no villages, no people—following Mr Mugabe’s land grabs."

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South Sudan in Pictures

Late on this one but check out the pictures.

from The Economist Baobab blog

South Sudan's independence - A day of jubilation

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where do Lamb Shanks Come From, Mummy?

This ad is currently running on New Zealand TV, prime time as well.

Love the kid's voice over - so non-PC it's too good.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In Defense of News of The World and Murduch

'In the U.S., the burden of proof is on the plaintiff to demonstrate that what’s been written about him is false, whereas in the U.K. the burden of proof is on the defendant to demonstrate that what he’s written is true.'

Toby Young, writing in Salon has this to say as a sub-title
It's easy to bash the deplorable behavior of the NOTW. But a tabloid crackdown will likely serve only the powerful.
As we used to say someone always has to take the other side, and his comments on press freedom, and comparing the US to the UK are most relevant.

see Three cheers for Murdoch!

Bit slow with this one!
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Apple Apps: Developer 70% Apple 13%

Didn't you all think Apple was making more?

from SAI Business Insider Chart of the Day

see How Much Apple Is Making On The App Store

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Où pique-niquer à Paris ?

La carte des pique-niques à Paris.

Découvrez les meilleurs pique-niques parisiens : dans un jardin caché, dans une prairie, sur un campus, sous un kiosque à musique ....

Carte interactive

from (as ever) My Little Paris

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Aid is Bad for You.

Now I would not say that this is something new, nor that is it a concept that is that hard to understand. We all remember, or should remember our mother's telling us to work for our sweet, film or whatever money rather than just being given it.

The Economist blog, Baobab, has this to say about aid and being given money, quoting Nicholas Eubank, a researcher at Stanford University (who)...
claims that some of Somaliland's success is down to a dearth of aid. Donors cannot give aid directly to the government since it is not recognised as such. It has been dependant on raising local tax revenue, which the paper says citizens have used as leverage to make the government more inclusive, representative and accountable. For those looking to bash the multi-billion dollar aid industry, it is an appealing thesis.
see Mo money mo problems

from Baobab (original article dated June 24, 2011)

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Myspace Implosion - A View from Australia

Image representing Rupert Murdoch as depicted ...Image via CrunchBaseStephen Bartholomeusz, writing in The Australian Business Spectator has a fairly standard analysis of the recent half a billion dollar loss that Murdoch's News Corp had on the sale of Myspace.

This week News did sell Myspace, for a paltry $US35 million, and put an end to the haemorrhaging that business was experiencing and the embarrassment the continuing presence of the business within the News portfolio had created for Murdoch.

see Murdoch's Myspace humiliation (free signup required)

from Business Spectator

The conclusion is the interesting bit

(the question is)..."News and its peers try to manage the transition of their traditional media businesses into the digital age. News’ big experiments with digital media – Myspace, the iPad-only newspaper The Daily, and the paywalls around its UK newspapers – haven’t inspired confidence in News’ ability to manage that evolution."

No they have not and they probably never will.

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La Seine: apéro sur l'eau

Il débarquera à la tombée du jour, auréolé de ses lampions. Il vous embarquera avec une poignée d'amis. Et il vous enverra voguer sur la Seine. Le temps d'un apéro sur l'eau, le bateau Jour de Fête vous appartient.

see  Apéro flottant

from My Little Paris

Privatisation d'un mini-bateau sur la Seine pour un apéro flottant d'1 heure
36 € par personne pour min. 8 et max. 11 personnes, incluant 4 bouteilles de blanc
Possibilité d'apporter pique-nique et boissons
Embarquez vos amis et, pour réserver, téléphonez au 01 78 13 31 00 de 10h à 18h ou écrivez à 

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Pay Your Enemy, Big Time - USA and Pakistan.

Hating the United States—which funds Islamabad’s army and nuclear program to the humiliating tune of $3 billion a year—Pakistan takes its twisted, cowardly revenge by harboring the likes of the late Osama bin Laden. But the hypocrisy is mutual, and the shame should be shared.
So writes Christopher Hitchens in the July, 2010 edition of Vanity Fair 

One has to wonder, as Hitchens writes, why The USA continues to pay for mad, bad and downright evil states. In the case of Pakistan, one has to be completely amazed that the US fell for the myth of Bin Laden hiding out in the wilds of the Afghan and Pakistan border lands.

He was in Abbottabad along, and Pakistan knew from the word go.

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Squattez un location qui décoiffe en vacances!

"Une chambre dans un loft new-yorkais ? Une maison d'architecte sur les hauteurs de Barcelone ou une cabane au Costa Rica à partager entre amis ? Pas besoin de vous ruiner pour vous offrir un location qui décoiffe."

check out

from Merci Alfred


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